About Scott Emick

I grew up in Canfield, Ohio where I studied computer science, robotics, math, physics, chemistry, and more in high school. I loved biking, hiking, camping, downhill skiing, soccer, travel, reading sci-fi and fantasy books, singing, and dancing. I joined the Navy Reserve after High School and served as a hospital corpsman, part of that time attached to the Fleet Marine Force as a combat medic. I received a Meritorious Service Medal from the Marines.

I later transferred to the Army Reserve and went to school for licensed practical nursing. I was certified in pharmacology and Intravenous therapy. I served as a nurse and a paramedic in the Army Reserve. I worked for the Cleveland Clinic, Austinwoods Rehabilitation Health Care center, and an agency filling in at many different places. I specialized in Ortho, neuro, & peds but worked in a diverse range of specialities including emergency medicine, psych, oncology, & home health.

I worked as a computer programmer in high school for a company called Psych Support Systems, working on a solution called EPSF – Early Prevention of School Failure. The software interpreted standardized tests such as the MMPI and generated written reports for the psychologist to then be able to customize, which enabled the practitioner to save time writing reports and help more people. I also worked on computerizing tasks at my high school with a few others such as tracking attendance and handling class registration.

Later on I would get a computer science degree from Tri-C specializing in programming and databases. I went on to work for nearly 25 years as a database administrator and full stack software developer. I completely designed and coded an entire call center solution to track customer service issues and custom order entry system for a large call center servicing multiple clients. For the same company I wrote multiple integration middleware to integrate website sales and shipment tracking, orders to As/400 warehouse mainframe, and custom reports and reporting solutions. This company was known as Fox International and later became Farnsworth Hill Company.

My next stint was at GVW-TWN as a database administrator and software developer. I developed, debugeed, and maintained multiple websites for daughter companies galaxy internet, adultmart, pexxx.com, and more. I wrote the middle ware to integrate the websites with Dynamics GP, Dynamics RMS, the warehouse systems, inventory systems, partner and vendor systems using a variety of methods such as parsing emails, EDM, XML, pipe delimited files, FTP, etc.

I wrote desktop apps and headless server applications using C# .Net, reports with crystal reports and SSRS. I did database server planning & right sizing. Built new servers and cofigured mysql and SQL Server. All the duties such as Database maintenance, backups, replication, disaster recovery, peformance tuning, ETL, import/export, and much more.

After GVA-TWN I was recruited to DRS in Youngstown Ohio. There I also wrote many desktop apps, backend server apps, web applications, database functions, stored procedures, SSIS solutions, ETL, replication, high availability, Cisco Call Center integrations & reports, cell tower monitoring solutions, too many things to even cover. DRS later become Involta which then became Ark Data Centers. One of the bes companies I ever worked for.

In 2014 I stumbled upon Bitcoin. I planned to mine it, but instead started trading it. I was able to make extra income alongside my job for many years. I met many unusual and enlightening people along the way as a personal trader. I attended the bitcoin conferences in Miami and several meetups around the country. I wrote my own Trading Calculator App that was in the Google Play Store for many years. Mainly it pulled the current price for the asset such as bitcoin from Bitstamp, Kraken, or the price ould be manually entered. The user filled either the amount of money being spent, the amount in usd the user wanted to end up with, or the volume of the coin like 1 bitcoin that they wanted to receive. The calculator pulls the current price via api and marks it up or down a percentage and/or a flat fee. There are fields for name and wallet address so the transaction can saved to the phone.

I’m developing a new version of the trading app using .Net Maui for both Android and Iphone. I plan on adding much more functionality that the previous one. I want to include more AML and KYC features for P2P traders as compliance is becoming more important these day. It will feature license barcode scanner, mini database to hold transactions until uploaded, and configurable compliance triggers such as requiring ID for $3000.00 and over and saving the ID image along with the transacionion, or asking for SSN at the $10,000.01 level. It will also store the customers photo and other attachments for those online trades where the trading partner sends a screen shot or receipt. Attachments also for each trade to document expenses or other miscellaneous information concerning a trade. And lastly the ability to file a CTR or a SAR from the application itself.

I have 2 step kids and 2 kids of my own. I enjoy doing things with my children such as fishing, swimming, skiing, going to the movies, playing board games, and helping them with school and hobbies. I belong to the Chagrin Valley Ski Club and the Suburban Ski Club.